More than a Cute Face
People often ask us if there deeper meaning behind Archie's cute goat logo. Well, the truth is there is a lot to it! Our branding began as "The Salesforce Goat" and has grown alongside our business to encompass a symbol of the spirit and characteristics needed to successfully build and re-build systems and integrations.
Here are the top 3 reasons why the goat is Archie's spirit animal.
1. Goats love a real challenge
Ever seen those awesome images of goats scaling vertical walls? Goats are famous for their ability to scale up steep precipices and hold their balance where other animals can't. And they find it fun!
With any digital implementation, there's always a need to consider scale and face challenges. Startups need to show their investors an upward path and mature companies need to show their shareholders profitability. A system is built for the processes set today, but to be able to grow and reach new heights in terms of the data it captures, the connections it maintains, and the intelligence it provides.
Companies at any stage face pain points and unknowns that are either seen as problems or challenges. Archie's goat reminds our team to focus on bringing solutions to challenges and fixing issues. We help our clients choose features, capabilities and streamlined business processes.
Archie loves to help companies reach new heights. Goats are a reminder that the view from the top is worth the climb.
2. Goats always find the escape
Curious and clever, goats constantly test enclosures and limits. They are quick to find holes and escape into new terrain. This trait of persistance and curiosity is essential in every phase of digital transformation, from the discovery of scope to the development and testing that needs to go into a strong execution.
If your provider lacks the goat's creative ability to find vulnerabilities at any phase of a project, you'll wind up with inaccurate scope, unclear processes, and useless KPIs. Worst of all, the investment you have made will not connect to users and their low adoption rate will snowball into a digital disaster. Looking for vulnerabilities and gaps along the way will save you lots of time and money wasted.
Archie knows how to constantly search for vulnerabilities and new terrain. We used a documented and lean protocol to define, build and test features and make sure the process is smooth for users, which results in great reporting.
3. Goats butt heads for fun
Goats establish their complex social hierarchy by butting heads to see who is strongest. Archie's main goal for our clients is to work with them to forge a path of success that overcomes pain points in a business process. We go to task even if it means coming head to head with established ideas that just aren't working. Because companies that tackle challenges head-on are able to overcome stagnation and solve problems.
Archie's strong thought partnership helps our clients tackle tough business problems and get moving forward fast.
There you have it! A bit of insight into why Archie, the original Salesforce Goat continues to exceed our clients expectations. We love building out awesome systems and integrations, helping our clients think stronger, climb higher, and reach rare heights.
PS. We also just think goats are cute.

GIF credit: Epic Goat is Radical, by GMarcelrene Jul 21 2014.